Follow Up Letter to PL 270212

FrontPage Responses to KCC Open Letter to Patrick Leeson - 012012


This has now been sent, please do not amend but feel free to add your name to the signatories.


Dear Mr. Leeson,


It has now been over 20 working days since our Open Letter to you regarding your proposals for a new Children Educated at Home Policy. 


We would be grateful if you could respond as soon as possible regarding a range of dates when we could meet to discuss the important issues surrounding your proposals and for home educators to begin to input into the process of policy formulation prior to finalising, as is required by law. In addition to section 178 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act  2007, Section 10, 1(c) and 10, 3 of the Children Act 2004 also places a duty on the LA to promote co-operation between and have regard to the importance of parents.


We are keen to foster positive relationships with KCC, so that more families feel comfortable to engage with the council. It would be a real shame for any home educator to feel that they can no longer co-operate with KCC.


It might be helpful for you to know that several local authorities around the country are meeting and consulting with home educators as they draft their new home education policies. 


We look forward to hearing from you in the next few days,






Kent Home Educators Action Group