Action Group Activity

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This page details what the action group are working on. If you want to get involved, please email us and we'll send you details. The group is open to anyone who wants to promote the freedom of parents to educate their children at home without unlawful state interference.


Open Letter to Patrick Leeson requesting a full consultation of any policy change with a cessation of the existing process until home educators can feed into the formulation of policy. We are also asking that KCC stick to the law regarding Elective Home Education, given that there has been no change of law to warrant such proposals.


Freedom of Information Act Requests - we are currently putting in requests for KCC to provide us with information on how they have arrived at their 'research' or that can better inform us on how we should proceed.


Critique of the Proposed EHE Policy document - work in progress


Review of restructure proposals that include moving EHE into Inclusion team - tbc